How To Prepare Your Tractor For Storage

As you might imagine, there’s a right way and a variety of not-so-right ways to prepare your tractor for storage. But as a master carpenter once said: “However you put your tools away is how you’ll find them the next time you need them.”

In other words, take care of your tools, and they’ll take care of you.

Now, a tractor is a tool for helping you get all kinds of jobs done around your place. So if you think you won’t be using yours for an extended period of time, you should take steps to prepare your tractor for storage. Do that, and the process of getting it ready to use again will be faster and easier.

The best way to prepare your tractor for storage is to follow the instructions in your Operator’s Manual. It provides a clear, step-by-step guide on what to do and how to do it.

But here are a few tips to prepare your tractor for storage you might not find in the OM that can really make your life easier.

  1. Keeping your machine clean is the first step toward having a well maintained machine. So here’s a tip. A pressure washer, with a hose and wand, is a mighty handy tool to have around. Gas or electric-powered. Whichever suits your particular situation better. It will make cleaning your tractor so much easier than just using a garden hose and spray nozzle.
  2. The OM will tell you to lubricate all grease points. Some of those points look like a small, metal nipple and are called grease zerks. You see them on implements, too. Attach a grease gun to the zerk and inject grease. This will keep all the joints and wear points on your tractor in good working order and help them last longer.
  3. Air pressure is important. So an electric air compressor is another handy tool to have around. You can inflate tires to the proper psi. Add an air nozzle and you can clean the tractor’s engine compartment, and more.
  4. Battery maintenance and storage is another important step. A battery maintainer is a device that will send a trickle of electricity to the battery and fool it into thinking it’s in use. Helps keep your battery alive and in good working order.

Remember, always read the Operator’s Manual before storing or operating any piece of equipment, and follow all operating and safety instructions.

Frontier’s nearly 400 implements and attachments are designed, engineered, tested, and manufactured to fit and work with John Deere tractors. That’s a breadth and depth of John Deere and Frontier equipment compatibility you won’t find anywhere else in the world.

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