Tractor maintenance is something you should always pay attention to. Maintain your John Deere Tractor with official John Deere products.

Time for your tractor’s spring maintenance?

Why should you care about your tractor’s spring maintenance? An article in the March 2009 edition of Ag Connection, a publication from the University of Missouri Extension, quoted a Midwest study that showed many farmers could reduce machinery repair costs 25 percent by improving routine tractor maintenance procedures. As an example, the study stated that an $80,000 (US) tractor would typically require about $24,000 (US) in repair costs during 5,000 hours of operation when receiving average maintenance. This cost could be decreased to approximately $18,000 (US) by increasing the level of service management.

The study’s authors concluded that timely preventative tractor maintenance and inspection will help identify problems when they can be corrected with relatively minor repairs, thus helping reduce major problems and downtime. Your tractor’s spring maintenance is one of those times.

Now you might not be driving an $80,000 (US) tractor, but the concept still applies. Whether your tractor has been used consistently, a little bit, or maybe not at all during the long, cold winter, getting your tractor ready for spring work by peforming your tractor’s spring maintenance is important. It can save you money you’d rather not spend on repairs, and a lot of time you’d rather spend out enjoying on your property.

Always start by reviewing your operator’s manual thoroughly to make sure you consistently cover all the maintenance bases including engine, transmission, lubrication, electrical, fuel, fuel line and fuel tank. And don’t ignore the “miscellaneous” categories, either, because thorough maintenance can also mean higher resale value down the road. Talking to your John Deere Dealer about the details of a maintenance program for your tractor is also a good idea.

And remember, whether it’s your land, your job, or your life, experience the fun and true satisfaction you’re looking for. You, John Deere and Frontier. Let’s work together.


Helpful Links:

John Deere Tractors (US CA)

How To Prepare Your Tractor For Storage 

Take A Compact Tractor Our Of Storage

How To Store Off-Season Equipment

Find Your Dealer (US CA)